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"Wellfleet Walkway" - 24" x 18"

 Acrylic Painting on Canvas - $2000.

Artist : James Morton

Painting of Wellfleet, MA featuring Uncle Tim's Bridge. Uncle Tim's Bridge is a boardwalk, that spans over a tidal marsh close to Wellfleet harbor.

The bridge leads to hiking trails around the salt marsh and Cannon Hill. Uncle Tim's Bridge is located on East Commercial Street in Wellfleet MA.

When I made this painting the bridge was still painted white.

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Copyright © 1970 - 2020 James Morton

All images contained herein are copyrighted and remain the property of James Morton.

Images may not be reproduced in any form without written permission from the artist.


Wesbite Design & Graphics by Morton Arts

MortonArts.com - online since 1997