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up to 44in x 3Oin size shipped within USA

"Truro Sunrise" - 30" x 20"

Acrylic Painting on Canvas - $4000.

Painting of Truro Dunes in Cape Cod, MA

Artist : James Morton

Truro, MA is part of the Outer Cape, or Lower Cape, and is adjacent to the town of Provincetown. This Cape Cod town is known for its hilly bluffs and high sand dunes that overlook the Atlantic Ocean, and Cape Cod Bay to the west. Much of Truro is part of the Cape Cod National Seashore.

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Copyright © 1970 - 2020 James Morton

All images contained herein are copyrighted and remain the property of James Morton.

Images may not be reproduced in any form without written permission from the artist.


Wesbite Design & Graphics by Morton Arts

MortonArts.com - online since 1997